Awakening Manifestation Candle

Posted by Pauline McEvoy on

Awakening by Hikari

A great candle to write about on the 1st Day of 2017.  A year of much possibility.

If you have been drawn to our “Awakening Candle”, there is an inner stirring in your soul to connect with the higher meaning and purpose of your life. You are being called to open your thoughts and mind as new ideas and concepts come your way. Perhaps you are new to this spiritual path. Regular stories we, at Hikari, hear from our customers is that their initial awakening happened through someone close or themselves, being diagnosed with a severe illness which made them question the real meaning of life. Others had a loved one die and it was their experiences with messages they were receiving from the other side which made them question their beliefs. Some suffered a great loss, either financial, a home they loved, their marriage or a significant relationship where they reached the lowest point in life. This was when they “felt” a loving presence come near them and soothe how they were feeling. Others noticed that when they were troubled, had an important decision to make or didn’t know what to do with a problem that was consuming their life, found that when they sat outside, woke up from a sleep or sat quietly on their own, they received guidance or an answer to what was on their mind. Some have told us they “saw” a vision or something out the corner of their eye. Others said they just “knew” information and didn’t know where it came from. Someone said they “heard” in a loud voice a warning to not go through the traffic lights and then a car coming  in the opposite direction, turn in front of them at fast speed. Others have had a prophetic dream just before they woke up and the same events unfolded during the day. We have many other stories but each has a similar vein of prompting each person to look more deeply into things they previously had no interest in. On the other hand, we have had people want to purchase this candle because they feel more at peace when they sit quietly and meditate. Others get an inner excitement when they are drawn to a shop with crystals, or they shuffle their deck of divination cards or their hands heat up when they place them on someone who is sick. They don’t necessarily understand why they are drawn to these interests but it seems to ignite something inside them and they want also want more. The third group of people who tell us their stories are those who have been on this pathway for quite a while. They are seeking to develop their clairvoyant gifts, to have a stronger connection with their guides or angels or for guidance in their daily life or business/career. Our Awakening Candle doesn’t have just one purpose. It is as open as you are, for wherever you wish to have a new or developing awareness in either your personal, material or spiritual aspects in life.

When being guided by the angels to make our “Awakening” candles for you, they suggested we use Lavender, Spearmint and Sweet Orange. It’s a beautiful blend to connect you not only with your guides, angles and enlightened ones but also to the essence of your spirit. Lavender assists with this process as it gently opens your higher chakras, allowing guidance and wisdom to flow through in your thoughts, ideas and subtle messages.

What are subtle messages you ask? They are the words in a song which catch your attention, a phrase which jumps off a page, a conversation with another which covers or introduces you to some information you have been questioning, wondering, asking in your thoughts or prayers. A book may fall off a shelf or could be given to you which contains what you need to know. You may keep seeing photos, images or movies with the same kind of animal. Sometimes, you may even see the animal on an ornament, piece of fabric, as a word, in a painting etc. If you don’t know what this animal directly means to you, Google “Totem Animals” or look up the information in a dream book. Other times, you may keep seeing the same thing/object/sign/image etc and if you see it three times or more, then you know it definitely has a deeper meaning behind it. For more information, look it up in a dream book, on-line or in a tea leaf dictionary. You are given subtle messages as your life may be too busy for you to hear the message coming in words directly from spirit so they find ways of attracting your attention.

Lavender encourages you to remember the essence of who you truly are, the amazing potential you hold within, the importance of having a connection with the spirit realm who love you unconditionally and prompting you to awaken from your busy, materialistic lives to one which is also purposely aligned and fulfilled from the blessings of spirit.

What do you mean by the essence of who I truly am, I hear you ask? Are too busy doing everything for everyone else, wasting time on doing things which don’t help you to get where you really want to, perhaps living a life which has been mapped out by another and not of your choice, working only for the money and not for the love of the job, going from one year to the other, repeating the same circumstances and either forgetting or have given up on your hopes, wishes, dreams or longings you’ve had and buried them deeply inside or do you often have cravings or yearnings to do something you love.

Spearmint was given to us to include in this beautiful blend because it helps you to let go of emotional blocks which have made moving forward into new areas of awareness more difficult. Everyone has old pockets of history rumbling around inside their thoughts. Some are on the surface like, well I was taught this way, or I was brought up to believe, or I’m not sure if what I am reading or hearing is right. Others are buried deep and resonate with fears and beliefs relating to past lives, family history and traumatic events or, even, deeply held opinions you’ve had since childhood. As you open your awareness to being willing to release whatever is holding you back, the Spearmint oil will support your journey in an uplifting way so that you can move forward by trusting the process of each step as it is revealed.

What do you mean by new areas of awareness, I hear you ask? Each day, we are given the opportunity of accessing a new awareness on different issues. A book may be published on a new strategy for managing money, an interview may be heard where someone else’s opinion helps you to make a choice as to what holiday destination you will next choose or a friend may introduce you to the last kitchen gadget which does a fantastic job of preparing vegetables. These things are tangible. You can put reason as to what you have seen or heard and you are willing to open your awareness. However, when it comes to information which rocks your core beliefs about who you are, your way of life, ability and potential, your spiritual or religious upbringing, then these can be challenging to accept as they are based on accessing a deeper part of yourself. They involve courage, inner strength, guidance, trust, faith and hope. These things are not tangible. Our deep seated emotions rise up as protection, warning signs and caution against moving out of your comfort zone. This is where the Spearmint Oil will assist on working to dissolve these barriers.

Sweet Orange is a beautiful oil which assists in lifting your vibrations. Your emotions will be balanced and it will be easier to focus more on the positive side of life. If you haven’t been able to see the wood for the trees, your heart is filled with heaviness, a fog has settled over your mind or you have been in such a rut where everything keeps repeating, Sweet Orange will assist in helping you to see clearly once again.

What do you mean by lifting my vibrations, I hear you say? Sweet Orange has the essence of Spring so it is about renewal, new life, new beginnings and happy, joyous feelings. Creativity, love and passions lift your energy levels. You feel lighter and more excited. To bring about change, you have to do things differently. Where do you feel creative – cooking, gardening, sewing, writing, teaching, dressing, decorating, hobbies etc? If you don’t think you are creative, change something in your house. Move some furniture or furnishings around, plant some seedlings for colour, decorate the table for dinner, make a different meal. Perhaps you could pick up a pen and write that story which lies inside you, or splash some colour on a page without judging whether you can draw or paint. Be daring and allow yourself to bring in change. Sit in another chair than your usual place, shop somewhere different, put on the clothes which have sat in your wardrobe which you seldom wear. Very soon, if you implement changes for the better, your creative juices will spark and your spirits will be lifted.

By now you should have a better understanding of why we were guided to create our Awakening Candle. We followed our guidance just for you. By purchasing this, get ready to realize and release your potential, open to new levels of awareness and for a brighter, more fulfilled life. We have no doubt, that when you enter your sacred place where you will not be disturbed by others in your home and light Awakening’s wick with a prayer of intention for your readiness to open to these beautiful energies, that your guides and angels will begin to take a more active role in your life. If you can develop a practise where you follow this procedure at the same time and in the same place each day, you will soon feel the presence of your spirit helpers next to you.

Be sure to follow any guidance you receive whether it comes in the way of thoughts, words you hear, a vision you see or any of the subtle forms of messages we described in this post. You may be challenged to look at your fears, belief patterns which no longer work for you, opening up to new levels of awareness, taking action and making time to develop whatever your desires are. You may also be asked to develop your self-esteem, raise your confidence and belief in self and address your issues of self-worth. Finally, you may be guided to read several books, attend classes or workshops, watch inspiring dvd’s or areas of interest on You Tube. People will be drawn into your life to assist you on your journey. Remember that it is a stepping stone and you must go in stages, develop patience and an understanding of Universal Timing.

We are always here for advice at Hikari and we would love to hear of your progress.

Happy New Year Mya 2017 be filled with many Blessing for you and your loved ones.

Zarin, Pauline, Monique and Sam.

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